How To Psoas Ball

Goal: To release the muscles of the abdomen - including the deep and hard-to-reach psoas.

Tool: The only type of ball TSB has found to work for this stretch is a half-inflated kickball (around 12” in diameter before deflation). Basket/soccer/ footballs all provide too much resistance while beach balls don’t provide enough. By deflating half of the air out of the kickball, the stretch becomes very gentle allowing for full relaxation.

When: Daily or as needed, 5 minutes at a time.

How: You’ll lie face down placing the ball between your pubic bone and your ribs, somewhere in the soft of the belly. Make sure to turn your head at least once or twice to prevent neck strain. Arms can be folded and placed under the head for support.

Afterwards, take a walk and see what has changed! You'll likely feel more length in the front part of your mid body, and perhaps less strain on your low back as well! You may hear your guts working their magic and your legs may feel freer when you walk.



On Movement Work


How To Half Ball